Welcome to our
Luminous Leaders Alumni
Shamanic Apprenticeship
An advanced programme offered only once per year, exclusive to Graduates of our
Sacred Chocolate Shamanic Cacao Ceremonialist Apprenticeship Level One
Hello gorgeous shining radiant hearts!
Many of you that have graduated from Sacred Chocolate have expressed a desire to go deeper into this Lineage and continue your apprenticeship with me.
So, I am excited and honoured to invite you to a stunning level 2 apprenticeship programme called the Luminous Leaders Alumni, to take you on a deeper journey into your Sacred path as Medicine Women and Men in Ceremony and further explore and refine what has been seeded within you already.
The wisdom and practices you’ll receive are for yourself and your healing work within your communities.You will learn tools to work in one on one sessions and to deal with Trauma that may arise in your participants. You will learn how to work more deeply with your Sacred Mesa to support you in your healing work, your Ceremonies and in your life. And you'll access powerful shamanic healing tools that you can use for healing yourself and your communities.
We are so blessed to have our amazing guest teachers CATALINA ROJAS, SHAMAN JON RASMUSSEN, GISELLE REAL D'ABLES, and JELENA DEVI joining us during our apprenticeship to give you the foundational wisdom you need to begin bringing BREATHWORK, SHAMANIC DRUM, MEDICINE SONGS, and EMBODIED MOVEMENT into your offerings and for your personal development.
You’ll also learn trauma informed tools to integrate into your Ceremonies, enabling you to work more deeply with your participants.
MAESTRO PERCY and MAESTRO DON SEBASTIAN will also be joining us from the Andes to take us deeper into the wisdom, programming and ritual of the HAYAWIKRY- or Despacho Offering.
There will be contemplations each week for you to bring into your daily awareness so that you truly embody yourself as the Medicine and your interaction with life as the ultimate Ceremony.
This is also a powerful way for us to build a solid family, of masterful Light workers so that we can stay anchored, grounded and connected to our purpose, and feel supported during these times of transition.
October 12th 2023 - October 15th 2024
Registrations for this training are now open & will be offered only once per year, exclusively to graduates of our Level One Sacred Chocolate Shamanic Cacao Ceremonialist Apprenticeship (if you’re new to our Level One Apprenticeship, you can join us HERE)!
In this Level Two Apprenticeship, we weave Sacred modalities and Medicines together to offer a rich advanced programme for our Alumni students (Sacred Chocolate apprenticeship level one graduates) to dive deep into themselves as Sacred Ceremonialists and refine and enrich our facilitation skills and our offerings.
We work more deeply with the Ancestral Andean altar of the Mesa, the essences of the Sacred portals and learn the deeper shamanic practices of Soul retrieval and Healing. We learn how to deal with trauma, how to bring breath work, dance embodiment, somatic movement, sacred chants and prayer songs into our sacred Ceremonial spaces.
Deciding to continue your apprenticeship shows a very deep level of commitment to your own personal path and to your path as a Sacred Ceremonialist.
So... What does your Apprenticeship include?
- 28 live and powerful weekly sessions over a 1 year period of small group mentorship and training with Jemmita and guest teachers. This really is a true apprenticeship (calls will go for approximately 2 hours)
- In depth Q and A sessions and sharing each call to mentor you in your processes and support you in your life and work.
- If you miss a call no problems - All calls will be recorded and available for download within 24 hours.
- A beautiful combination of masterclasses, journeying techniques, in depth Q & A, sharing and support.
- An entire year of deep, juicy Ceremony!
- Access special discounts for all Anchoring the Light retreats and events.
- 20% off our Sacred Chocolate Paititi Chuncho
The training is a 12 month journey with live calls and live Ceremonies every other week.
The first call will be on October 12, 2023.
Recordings of each call will be accessible if you cannot make the live.
Aside from the live calls, course modules will be unlocked weekly with potent deepening practices, including powerful guided processes, reflections and contemplations, and much more.
Please note this apprenticeship is designed to be easily integrated into your daily life. There will not be any strenuous course content for you to keep up with between live sessions, and call's can be attended in your own time and space.
Please note that it is possible that the programme may change as upgrades come through because we always want to offer the BEST and HIGHEST programme for our graduates!
Calls 1 - 6 (6 sessions)
The Sacred Mesa for Healing and Ceremony Module 1
Returning to the Ancestral Programme of the Sacred Chakana Mesa with Jemmita
12 Oct, 26 Oct, 9 Nov, 23 Nov, 7 Dec, 20 Dec
- Session 1: Introduction to the Ancestral Mesa, understanding ley lines and quadrants and the Samay Mesa
- Session 2: Anti Suyu and the portal of the East
- Session 3: Qoyllur Suyu and the portal of the South
- Session 4: Konti Suyu and the portal of the West
- Session 5: Chinchay Suyu and the portal of the North
- Session 6: The centre of centres - working with our Auki
Each session is a powerful combination of wisdom teachings, mentoring and Ceremony with Jemmita
Calls 7 - 10 (4 sessions)
Breath Immersions with Catalina Rojas from InBreath
4 Jan, 18 Jan, 1 Feb, 15 Feb
A journey of incredible transformation, awakening and integration.
Session 7: Breathwork principles, Understanding the nervous system, Trauma informed facilitation.
Session 8: Emotions, How memories work, Morphic fields.
- Session 9: Energetic body, Plasma, Retentions, Activating sound.
- Session 10: Altered states of consciousness, Transpersonal psychology, Holotropic breathwork, Rebirthing.
Each session you will also immerse in a powerful breath work journey with Catalina.
Call 11 (1 session)
The Sacred Mesa for Healing and Ceremony Module 2
The Ńusta’s - Meeting our Priestesses of Light with Jemmita
27 Feb (Tues)
- Session 11: Awakening the powerful Sacred Feminine Forces and programming them into our Mesa to bring the essence of Magic, Power, Wisdom, Healing, Grace, Presence, Beauty, Abundance and Love into our Medicine work and on our Sacred Path.
Calls 12 - 15 (4 sessions)
Shamanic healing and drumming with Shaman Jon Rasmussen
12 March, 26 March, 9 April, 23 April
- Session 12: Building confidence to bring shamanic drum/ rattle journeying into your Ceremonies
- Session 13: Getting out of the way and allow the team to do the work
- Session 14: Using different beats, different percussion instruments to work with energy centres for healing
- Session 15: Tools and rituals to use in healing sessions for individuals or groups
Call 16 (1 session)
The Sacred Mesa for Healing and Ceremony Module 3
lloque and Paña - The Sacred Polarities with Jemmita
7 May
- Session 16: Understanding and working with the Divine Masculine polarity of Paña and Sacred Feminine polarity of Lloque in our Mesa to harmonise the energies in all areas of our life
Calls 17 - 20 (4 sessions)
Ceremonial instruments and an Introduction to Icaros with Giselle Real d'ables
21 May, 4 June, 18 June, 2 July
- During her sessions, Giselle shares about the wisdom and songs of the plants. She also shares about working with deep respect and reverence to this Earth and the original wisdom keepers. Each session you will receive a healing chant to work with on your own personal journey and in ceremony.
Call 21 & 22 (2 sessions)
Mesa Masterclass Level 2 - Part 4
The Sacred Mesa for Healing and Ceremony Module 4 -
The Hampi Mesa, Our Mesa for Healing with Jemmita
16 July, 30 July
- Session 21: Working deeply with the Hampi Mesa for personal, community and collective healing and Soul retrieval
- Session 22 : A deeper healing practice with the Hampi Mesa for one on one healing
Calls 23 - 26 (4 sessions)
Dance and Embodiment immersions with Jelena Devi
13 Aug, 27 Aug, 10 Sept, 24 Sept
- Jelena is taking us on a deep dive into embodied dance, the body's chakras and meridians through exploration of the elements, starting with:
- Session 1: Fire
- Session 2: Earth
- Session 3: Air
- Session 4: Water and a full elemental journey.
Call 27 (1 session)
The White Mesa -The Ancestral Hayawikry or Despacho Offering
With Andean Wisdom keepers and Elders Maestro Percy and Maestro Don Sebastian from the Q'eros Nation.
8 October
- In this session we will learn directly from our Andean Maestros about the deeper layers of programming our Despacho from maestro Sebastians lineage in Qero's, for our healing work for ourselves and within our communities
Call 28 (1 session)
Tu Pananches Kama:
Our Completion of this Sacred Cycle
15 Oct
- Sharing and Integration circle and closing Ceremony with Jemmita
Embodiment, Community & Alumni gifts
There will be contemplations and practice from each call to keep you deepening and embodying your wisdom.
1 year of continuous mentoring
- We will have a closed private community group to support each other in your Light Work and build our solid community of Luminous Leaders.
- Enjoy having a solid soul family to connect with and anchor into no matter where we are on our planet or what’s going on!
- You’ll receive 20% discount off our Paititi Chuncho -Sacred Chocolate Ceremonial Cacao and 10% off Mesa Cloths (before postage)
- Discounts on Anchoring the Light Shamanic Immersions
- Discounts on any further trainings or offerings.
- You will have priority access to a special Masters Apprentice Programme and Peru Pilgrimage with myself and Maestro Puma in the Andes Peru.
So.. what is your investment in Ayni for access to this amazing programme?
The Luminous Leaders Alumni FULL PROGRAMME!
A full 12 month programme of fortnightly calls of an intimate mentorship with Jemmita going deeper into the Sacred Mesa for healing and Ceremony. Also includes month long intimate mentorships with Catalina Rojas from In breath on Trauma informed healing and Breath work, Shaman Jon Rassmusen on Shamanic healing and drumming, Giselle Real d'ables on Ceremonial instruments and an Introduction to Icaros, and Jelena Devi on Elemental Embodied Movement.
Only $4444 USD for this entire 1 year month Mentorship (28 calls).
Payment plans are available!
Or pay upfront for $3999 USD and save over $400 USD!
This is the best value of all of the options available to you.
The Sacred Mesa for healing and Ceremony
The Sacred Mesa for healing and Ceremony - a mentorship with Jemmita going deeper into the art of the Sacred Altar and how to apply this to you ceremonies and healing work and to support you more deeply in life. This is a more intimate mentorship container where there is time and space to share, ask questions and receive guidance. 12 live calls spread out over 12 months with time and space in between to integrate and practice the wisdom you will receive.
$2222 USD for this mentorship with Jemmita only!
Or pay upfront for $1999 USD and save over $200 USD!
Individual master classes with out guest Maestros
If you'd like to pick and choose your modules you are welcome.
Each 8 week module will consist of 4 calls with home practices in between. These are intimate mentorship containers where you get to explore many different aspects of healing, medicine, ceremony and facilitation with people that I consider to be absolute Masters of their field.
As a facilitator of many years there are very few people I would choose to work personally with. Catalina, Jon, Jelena, and Giselle are at a level of Mastery that I would personally be honoured to receive from.
Each Masterclass Module is $1111
We will notify you a few weeks in advance on email of each round starting.
As you can see the full programme is by far best value where you will receive each 8 week masterclass for only $555!
All in all if you choose the the full rich luminous leaders Alumni programme you will Injoy a saving of $2222!
So my wonderful family - This is your invitation to join me. The entire apprenticeship (28 calls) is by far the richest, most immersive experience and the best value you can receive.
I’m super excited for this. I hope you are too! I’d be honoured to ally you on this Sacred Apprenticeship.
This is an intimate level two apprenticeship for those who feel called and ready to go deep.
Let the Ceremony continue!
Hatun Munay, Wiñay Saminchay!
Infinite Love and Eternal Blessings
Jem xxx
"Over many years I have always searched for more meaning to life. What is it we are truly here for? A question that sent me to deep, dark places. As a trainer myself, participating in and holding many training sessions online and in person, I have and will NEVER be the same after doing this work with Anchoring the Light. My heart is BURSTING. The course content, the delivery, the support and the respect given to the Ancient and Sacred Wisdom shared in this space is LIFE CHANGING. I have a new Love & Respect for Myself, my Family, my Friends and Humanity. I FINALLY have meaning to LIFE."
- Angela Maree
It is a deep honour for me to share the profound medicine and teachings that I have been so blessed to receive from my Maestros and lineage in Peru, woven in with over 20 years of wisdom and experience from walking my own Spiritual path of Awakening.
I feel deeply called to my path in service here as a Paco (Maestra of Living Energy), Medicine Woman, healer and mentor and above all, I am here in humble service to our beautiful Mother Earth and to our global family.
In respectfully and generously sharing this wisdom, my wish is to assist others in transforming their own lives, in the way it has profoundly transformed my own.
Catalina Rojas
Breathwork for Transforming the Shadow
Catalina is Colombian by birth & has lived in Barcelona for many years and now Bali with her family. She is a psychologist focused on personal self-discovery and the search of BEING.
Motivated by her own call to evolve, her 21 year journey through various formations includes art therapy, gestalt, PNL, kundalini yoga, Registros Akashicos & sound healing. She specialises in altered states of consciousness through breathing techniques such as rebirthing and meditation.
Shaman Jon
Shamanic healing and drumming
Jon is an incredible 'mediator of souls between worlds' and has worked with masters and energy healers all over the world, including his study with Alberto Villoldo at the Four Winds Society. A lot of this training was in Peru. He has had incredible experiences that he openly shares in order to help others also walk their path as a healer or medicine man/woman. He is also author of the book Dreaming Your World Into Being, and musical journeys; Shamanic Journeys to Empower Your Life and Meditations for the Modern Lifestyle.
Jelena Devi
Ecstatic Dance for Embodying the Elements
Jelena Devi landed into this world dancing. After many years exploring the realms of professional dance, choreography and teaching a variety of styles, it is her greatest joy to guide people into deeper connection to their body and heart to witness expression of truth. Previously a dance/ yoga studio owner, she now shares “Dance & Yoga as Medicine” all over the world in the form of ceremony, ecstatic earth dance, workshops and elemental dance/ yoga retreats.
Giselle Real d'ables
Giselle is an international medicine woman, performing and recording artist & composer, who is also recognized for her musical healing contributions in the medicine community via singing and her flute working with various different Native American tribes, organizations, and ceremonies.
She has been extensively in service to plant medicines for 11 years studying with indigenous tribes from Mexico for her peyote trainings, and with tribes from the Brazilian Amazon, and Colombian and Peruvian tribes, as well where she embarked in deep master plant dietas.
Giselle is an advocate for indigenous rights, as well as sharing about indigenous wisdom and culture all over the world using music as the main tool by teaching about the cultures through workshops and song circles.
Giselle is on a mission to bring unity & consciousness to our earth and purpose as humans through plant medicine and music connecting people to the frequency of our Pachamama in all kinds of settings throughout our beautiful Mother Earth.
I facilitated the most beautiful ceremony yesterday with someone who has a deep trauma. She definitely moved into a different time line. It was special. The power of this work is truly sacred and powerful. I feel the energy and medicine of the ancestral container, their medicine, the healing and guidance.
Sometimes it even feels like it’s not mine, if that makes sense.
So grateful Jem for you and having these ceremonies in my life now. It was definitely one of my missing links and is the most direct portal to wisdom, intuition and heart ❤️
– Marissa
What Next?
If you’re feeling a fully body YES to step into this
Luminous Leaders Alumni Shamanic Apprenticeship Level Two
and your Mastery as a Luminous Leader
– then jump in quick and apply
as we have finite places
and they fill fast!
Submit your payment to secure your spot, then you will proceed to our Application page.
Please Note: All Payment Plans include a $10/month administration fee.
If you feel you'd like to journey deeply with lineage and tradition in mentorship with Jemmita only (and not receive the amazing offerings from our guest teachers),
you are invited to join us for...
The Sacred Mesa Level Two.
This includes the 11 sessions deepening with our Sacred Mesa and Shamanic practices, tools and wisdom for you work facilitated by Jemmita PLUS the one Session on the White Mesa facilitated by Maestro Percy and Don Sebastion (so a total of 12 sessions) for only $2,222 USD with payment plans available.
Please note, the entire apprenticeship (28 calls) is by far the richest and most immersive experience and the best value.
This truly is a very special Mentorship to help you develop your offerings and give you priceless tools for your Life.
Please Note: All Payment Plans include a $10/month administration fee.
"This journey is heart expanding. Every call is a transmission straight to the soul and brings a deeper remembrance of your soul's yearnings. Thank you for these teachings and knowledge. Such a sacred sharing."