Alter Making - Flower Water Making - Smudging

The Chakana is an Ancient symbol known throughout the Andes in Peru and other parts of South America.

It is an Ancient Map that shows us the way home to our most powerful and awakened selves.

Within it lies the secrets and tools we need to thrive in all aspects of our lives and be in the best possible service to others.

It reconnects us to the powerful healer and sage within.



In this Chakana Medicine wheel series, we work with 4 Sacred Chocolate Shamanic Cacao Ceremonies, for the 4 Sacred Directions
that are portals to our inner, physical and spiritual worlds.

Each Ceremony will take you into a different aspect of your life:


πŸ’« WORKSHOP 1 - Releasing, healing, purifying and receiving Sacred Wisdom.

πŸ’« WORKSHOP 2- Change, Growth and Repatterning programmes that no longer serve us

πŸ’« WORKSHOP 3 - Remembering our Soul purpose and Sacred Path, and awakening to our highest evolution 


We will dance, breathe, journey, sing and receive.


This series of 3 workshops will take place over a lunar cycle:

πŸ’« Workshop 1:

πŸ’« Workshop 2:

πŸ’« Workshop 3:

To receive the full benefit of this powerful Medicine journey, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to attend all 3 workshops in the cyclical order they are being offered.

However, you are welcome to join individual ceremonies if that feels more aligned for you.


Full Workshop Journey - Series of 3 workshops - $ ($ each)

Or Individual Workshops - $ each


Join me for this powerful LIVE Online Immersion and Medicine Journey deep into the most profound wisdom of our Hearts.

Creating Your Sacred Altar

These 4 Ceremonies invite you to dive deeply into this powerful Andean wisdom with the Sacred Medicine of Cacao, so you can implement these concepts and rituals into your daily life.

Flower Water Making

These 4 Ceremonies invite you to dive deeply into this powerful Andean wisdom with the Sacred Medicine of Cacao, so you can implement these concepts and rituals into your daily life.


These 4 Ceremonies invite you to dive deeply into this powerful Andean wisdom with the Sacred Medicine of Cacao, so you can implement these concepts and rituals into your daily life.



Jemmita walks a Sacred Shamanic Path as Medicine Woman, Healer and Ceremonialist offering deep transformational work globally.

Initiated by her Maestros in the Andes and adopted into her lineage in 2012, she is deeply honoured to share the profound Medicine and teachings of the Andes Cosmovision, woven in with well over 20 years of wisdom and experience from walking her own Spiritual path of Awakening.

Her path of service through ‘Anchoring the Light’ is to guide and empower others to remember their own true divine nature, power and innate Magic. Weaving Ancient Ritual and Ceremony with Wisdom for the Path to Awakening - offering tools and modalities to heal, empower, liberate and transform.  

Through her online Ceremonial work, Jemmita is now able to reach many more of our Global Family, building a much needed sense of community and comradery as we move collectively through this profound time of transformation as one family.

In respectfully and generously sharing her wisdom through Ceremony and Mentorship, her wish is to assist others to become creators of their own reality and transform their own lives, in the way it has profoundly transformed her own.

Deep Dive into the Live Workshop Series!