$11 / month (cancel anytime)


Beautiful Family! Welcome to


Above all else, Anchoring the Light is a place of Community. Everything that I create, share and offer here is done from my heart with a great belief in the Power of the Human Soul when it remembers its true nature -
that it is pure LIGHT and LOVE.

I am so passionate about offering guidance and practical ways  to support you to step into YOUR POWER and Remember Who You Really Are, as we navigate these times of great and wonderful transition together.

The times we are in have been prophesied by many Ancient Cultures for eons. We are at the point of no return - it is a time for waking up and there is a tipping point that needs to be reached for us to Anchor the Light into the New Earth. To consciously co-create an age of Peace, Harmony, Joy, Freedom and Love.

This means we need as many LIGHTHOUSES as possible to be the beacons for our friends, families and communities.
This is YOU!

But to do this we first need to come back to ourselves and gather the tools we need and the support of our Community.

We live in a world where our daily lives are hectic, where the energy within and around us can feel intense and discombobulating, and where we are often trapped in our minds or our subconscious patterns rather than being connected and led by our hearts.

Even as the world opens up, many of us still feel quite isolated and alone.

Now more than ever, we need tools to help us navigate. Processes, rituals and routines that can immediately guide us back to our centre on a daily basis and help us find a sense of inner harmony.
Only then can we be in true service to ourselves and others.

We also need Conscious Community. To create what we call ‘MINKA’ in the Andes. It reminds us that we don’t have to do it all alone. In fact - we were never meant too.

It’s about creating allies in our family, community, spirit and cosmic world.
By yourself you can only do so much - with a team you can accomplish anything.

It’s about knowing that we are not alone in what we are feeling and experiencing and have an anchor point that we can come to for support, love, wisdom and guidance.

I also feel strongly that as we make this great transition into this new Heart Centred Reality we really need to remember how to Self Source. And to remember that every life experience you have had, is invaluable to someone else.
That is, rather than giving our power away to Guru’s we learn to do what the Ancients did and sit together in Circle and share our wisdom and experiences to help, heal and uplift each other.


With this in mind, I’ve created something special for us!

Welcome to your LIGHT CLUB!



A Global Community Space of
Ritual, Remembrance & Ceremony

Sacred monthly content and conscious collaboration to
AWAKEN to our true selves and celebrate life as CEREMONY.



A community platform, unrelated to social media, where we can all connect, share, learn and be reminded to drop into that sacred space within us daily.

This is a platform that gently yet powerfully prompts us to remember that


  • CEREMONIES AND RITUALS -  Access to new moon and full moon monthly Ceremony or Ritual with our Sacred Chocolate Ceremonialists

  • DEEPENING PRACTICES - Powerful Guided Audio Activation Meditation Processes to support you.

  • THE DAILY DOSE  - A daily drop of inspiration, wisdom, guidance to keep you connected and inspired!

  • GLOBAL WISDOM CIRCLE - Your Online Interactive Global Community space - an uplifting and engaged space to share and receive, experiences, wisdom, insights and even advertise your own Sacred Offerings!

  • LUMINOUS LEADERSHIP - For those with Sacred offerings there will be opportunities to facilitate an online journey or workshop for your fellow Light Club family
  • EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNTS - on our courses, trainings and retreats (for annual subscribers)
  • OPPORTUNITY TO ACCESS POP UP CLASSES  - with Guest teachers and Facilitators that are real Masters of their Modalities
"Jemma has changed my life. Truly. This woman has been such a massive part of my journey. It’s through her and her work that I’ve been able to LIBERATE my body, my pleasure, my SELF.
Jemma holds space like no one else. So pristine. So clear. So transformative. I am so deeply grateful for having Jem on my path."



We will come together monthly in Ceremony, in the way Ancient Communities did, to consciously and collectively dream in and co create new realities together.


  • Working on our own personal inner journeys through Ceremony and Shamanic journeying
  • Learning tools and rituals you can use in your daily life
  • Receiving Ancient Wisdom Teachings of the Andean Cosmovision
  • Working collectively and individually with the powerful Cosmic transitions and cycles to anchor in certain energies we need.
  • Enjoying special guest facilitators that join us with powerful wisdom sharings for you to come alive and thrive in many areas of your life - personal, practical and spiritual.


  • Invite more LIGHT into your life on a daily basis
  • Reconnect with your inner guidance to gain clarity
  • Discover and live your true purpose
  • Embody rituals as a way of life
  • Explore Ceremony, Sacred space, plant Medicine and other holistic modalities
  • Feel connected to a global community of like-minded family
  • Gain tools to shift heavy energy and become a Light warrior
  • Feel grounded, strong and unwavering on your path
  • Heal past wounds and repattern your subconscious beliefs
  • Effortlessly manifest the life you want to be living….


"Thank you for bringing your profound wisdom and teachings to us, beautiful soul. They have changed my life and my service in so many ways. Infinitely grateful for you and all that you are. It’s such incredibly powerful work. I am honoured to share this work with others. Thank you!"
- Jo Lewins.



My intention with LIGHT CLUB on this platform is to create a Sacred online space where we can come together monthly in Ceremony and Community, and then have access to processes, tools and wisdom that can continue to support you throughout the month, inspired by the theme that we will work with together.

Not only is this a place for you to receive, but in the true spirit of Ayni, this is also a space for you to give. You are welcome and encouraged to share your own experiences and to showcase your own special and unique offerings that will benefit the community.

This is a space where we can all thrive side by side, no matter where you are in the world.

This isn’t another thing you have to pop on your to-do list! The information and materials can be enjoyed in your own time. There will be a mixture of live content and pre-recorded content each month that you can access and utilise as much as you please. There will also be guest presenters and workshops, as well as very special discounts and offerings for our longer training programs.

My aim is for this new space to be incredibly accessible. I truly believe that if we all have access to information, processes and rituals that remind us of our true nature and remind us to live every aspect of life as Ceremony, then we can heal ourselves, and heal the collective.

This platform will have a vast ripple effect, because everyone that joins will be saying YES  to raising their frequency and in doing so, being of greatest service to Pacha Mama at this incredibly important time.

It’s also going to be a lot of fun! No matter what, the Universe loves sharing cosmic jokes with us. Our shared insights and reflections always bring about the Light, no matter what we are traversing. We will move, dance, breathe, pray, journey, listen, journal and BE all that we are here to be.




Jemmita walks a Sacred Shamanic Path as Medicine Woman, Healer and Ceremonialist offering deep transformational work globally.

Initiated by her Maestros in the Andes and adopted into her lineage in 2012, she is deeply honoured to share the profound Medicine and teachings of the Andes Cosmovision, woven in with well over 20 years of wisdom and experience from walking her own Spiritual path of Awakening.

Her path of service is to guide and empower others to remember their own true divine nature, power and innate Magic. Weaving Ancient Ritual and Ceremony with Wisdom for the Path to Awakening - offering tools and modalities to heal, empower, liberate and transform. 

In respectfully and generously sharing her wisdom through Ceremony and Mentorship, her wish is to assist others to become creators of their own reality and transform their own lives, in the way it has profoundly transformed her own.

‘I am deeply committed to assisting our Global Family to Remember the Magnificent Truth of Who they Really are and to empower them as Luminous Leaders. To help activate their gifts and embrace their Sacred Path, in Service to the Light and to our Pachamama.

As nothing goes one way - we are always learning, always giving, always receiving. There is a Sacred flow, a Cosmic Law that when we truly remember - changes everything. This is the power of Ayni.
This is Anchoring the Light.’



  ACCESS TO THIS ENTIRE PLATFORM IS ONLY $11 a month (billed monthly)

The value in this is absolutely incredible.

The monthly content is valued at way over $250, yet all you pay is $11 for FULL access!

This will be where the majority of my content will now be contained, in a private yet collective space for those who are ready to BE the Medicine and Become the Ceremony. For those ready and craving that daily dose of remembering and reconnecting to who you truly are.

For less than the price of a single yoga class, for less than the price of a couple of juices or almond lattes, you get to join a community and have access to tools that are truly designed to help you thrive.

This is a collective endeavour- this is something that we CO-CREATE together! This space has INFINITE potential! What YOU can bring to this sacred container is EPIC! Your Wisdom and Energy is needed and vastly appreciated.

So join me in LIGHT CLUB Brothers, Sisters and Global family! Let’s undertake and share this brand new journey together.

Let’s Reconnect, Awaken and Transform. Together we remember and in doing so, support the rest of the world to do the same. 

 “Working with Jemma is a beautiful and intricate journey into one’s mind, body and soul. Each day invites and brings in another layer of profound medicine experience which allows for deeper wisdom to unfold. You are truly awake and here and feel all the Universe has to offer, becoming deeply aware and connected as one, in a wake up call that you will never forget."

– Alicia Kristow.
Join a global community ready to support you on your own journey of awakening to the truth of who you really are. Gain monthly access to wisdom, rituals, processes and tools that inspire you live life as the ultimate Ceremony that it is.

You are ready.
The time is now.